Posts in Be Mindful
<< made my own lane so I never had to follow >>

Machine Gun Kelly recently tweeted the statement, "made my own lane so I never had to follow." Right when I read this, I loved it. This is a perfect belief to have in life. Don't try to be someone else, Be YOURSELF. There is only one you. Follow the path that the universe paved for you. 

&lt;&lt;made my own lane so I never had to follow &gt;&gt; let the 'madness' of March begin.&nbsp;

<<made my own lane so I never had to follow >> let the 'madness' of March begin. 


I have a road by my house that I love to drive on. It is so beautiful and changes so quickly as the different seasons go by. When I read the statement, it hit me that it was meant to go with the caption Machine Gun Kelly tweeted. There is art all around my friend. Taking a photo and writing your feelings are beautiful. Create in the places that bring you joy. This road and those words bring me peace and joy.

Taking my own path has always been a common affirmation in my life. One of my favorite quotes on creating your own way is by Robert Frost. When I ended my freshmen year of college, the quote came back to me when I saw this beautiful view. 

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost


So often we will feel pressured to take the path already paved in life, but there is true power on 'walking on the grass.' My one college professor said this to us and it stuck with me. Walk on the grass in life. Don't fear the unpaved path - EMBRACE IT! 

During my senior year of college, four years later, this quote once again popped up in my life. Coastal Carolina University had a social media campaign where students relay a piece of wisdom with a quote of the day. I had the opportunity to say the beautiful quote about making your own path in life. You can view the video below:

When 2017 hit, I once again was thinking about this beautiful quote. Don't be afraid to take your own path in life - amazing things happen when you pave your way on your terms. 

Make your own lane and follow your soul.