Alive Inside

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Happy Soul Sunday!

Hello loves.

I'm back! I recently went on a  little hiatus, not intentionally, but it was much needed. Sometimes we all need to take a step back from things and focus on the moment. When I am present and joyful in the moment I am in I discover that my creative energy starts flowing.

Over this past month I have been working on a lot of different projects I am so excited to share with you, but for now I want to focus on something else - YOU! It's Sunday (my favorite day of the week) & a wonderful time to take a step back, do self-care, and rejuvenate your soul for the upcoming week ahead. Here are my tips on how you can relax, be present, and joyful right now! 

Tip 1: Breath

We often forget we have this wonderful tool inside us that can relax us instantly - BREATHING. Right now take a deep breath in through your nose, hold that breath, then release it through your mouth. While you're doing this try just to focus on breathing. Do this 5 - 7 times. Now, don't you feel a little more relaxed and present?  

Tip 2: Digital Detox

I know this is ironic considering you're reading this online, but I am a big believer in taking a break from technology. In January, I completely turned all my phone notifications off and it was life changing. In a constant world of connection, it can be hard to take a step back from it, but the benefits when you do will be immense. Put your phone down, let it charge, and do something productive for you. Then do an activity to turn your mind off. Maybe clean or read a good book? I like to wash dishes or fold laundry. For me, this is great way to be productive and mediate by just focusing on that task.

Tip 3: Be alone. 

I am a huge believer in spending time with yourself. Especially when preparing for the week ahead, it is so important to take a step back and let yourself just think. Think about what you're planning to accomplish and what your soul needs to prepare for that. So go find a quiet space and just be with yourself. Aim for at least 30 minutes. 

Tip 4: Spend time outdoors

A wonderful place to be alone is outside. Some of my favorite quite spots are sitting on my porch and spending time on a hammock between two trees. Put your phone away, find a comfy spot, and let yourself enjoy the sounds of nature and the cool breeze. 

Tip 5: Do what makes you feel lighter

What leaves you feeling a little lighter? A little more relaxed and happy? Do that today. Whether it is writing, listening to your favorite song, getting a good workout in, go do that. Sometimes the best self-care is doing what you love. We so often put off doing the things we love by focusing on other responsibilities, but let yourself be free of those today and focus on your soul.

Do you have any soul Sunday tips? Please share them in the comments below - I'd love to hear them!